Offers for Special Schools
‘Die Berner Stiftung zu Gast im Senckenberg’
Thanks to the support of the Dr. Wolfgang and Sigrid Berner Foundation, various specially developed offers for pupils from special schools can be realized – an enriching addition to our existing educational formats.
All offers are tailored to the special needs of special needs pupils and are developed in collaboration with teachers from special needs schools.
As part of the project “Research Inspirations” (supported by the Dr. Wolfgang and Sigrid Berner Foundation, the Erhard Kunert Foundation and the Albert and Barbara von Metzler Foundation), a special guided tour concept for special needs pupils was developed. This was jointly prepared with the “Department of Didactics – Biological Sciences” at Goethe University Frankfurt as well as teachers and students from special needs schools.
This offer has been an integral part of our educational program since September 2022. In the guided tour “On the trail of dinosaurs & co.”, pupils in grades 3-6 get to know some of the very special highlights of the Senckenberg Nature Museum. One focus is on dinosaurs and whales. On their research trip to the largest animals in the world, the pupils discover the special features of various dinosaurs themselves – guided by simple questions. This special guided tour is only available in German language.
Since February 2024, an extension of our offer for special needs pupils has been the “We do research” workshop in the Aha? Science Lab for pupils in grades 3-9. The expertise and feedback from special school teachers was also incorporated into this educational offer during the development and test phase.
With exciting objects and simple tasks, the workshop encourages independent (but always supervised) discovery and exploration – and shows in a very simplified way how scientists work.
For example, the pupils observe the behavior of animals, discover fascinating shapes and structures under the microscope or solve the questions in the research boxes together. There is a lot to discover, the opportunity to be creative or – if necessary – to withdraw.
The focus is on curiosity, the joy of discovery and working on objects – with little “aha! moments” and a sense of achievement for everyone. This special workshop is only available in German language.
“Die Berner Stiftung zu Gast im Senckenberg“ enables special schools in the greater Frankfurt area to participate in these educational formats free of charge – in addition to the conception and further development of the special offers.
The next steps in the further development of the offers will focus on pupils with visual impairments. There are also plans to extend the services to older age groups and additional subject areas.
Further information on the content, schedule and booking options for our offers can be found here (this information is only available in German):
Förderschul-Führung „Auf den Spuren von Dino & Co.“ (3.-4. Klasse)
Förderschul-Führung „Auf den Spuren von Dino & Co.“ (5.-6. Klasse)
Aha?! Workshop für Förderschulen „Wir forschen“ (3.-4. Klasse)
Aha?! Workshop für Förderschulen „Wir forschen“ (5.-9. Klasse)
Contact person at Senckenberg:
Dr. Andrea Weidt (Education and Outreach)