Permanent exhibition

Aha?! Science Lab

The Aha?! Science Lab is the new hands-on area at the Senckenberg Naturmuseum Frankfurt. Here you can get in touch with science: examine fascinating objects from nature, join in real research projects and talk to scientists from our museum. 

Natue research thrives on the fascination of discovering unknown things, grasping connections and understanding the world better bit by bit. In our Aha? Science Lab you can – guided by your own curiosity and your own impulses – pursue your own research questions and get to the bottom of scientific phenomena.


Special closing hours

On Tuesday, 11.03.2025, the Aha?! Science Lab will be closed.
On Friday, 28.03.2025, the Aha?! Science Lab closes at 3:30 pm.

Bilder Veranstaltungen

The scientific collection specially compiled for the Aha?! Science Lab includes over 100 natural objects that can be touched and examined. Technical workstations equipped with microscopes and binoculars offer the opportunity to look at the objects magnified, discover breathtaking structures and dive into the hidden world of the microcosm.

In 2024, the Aha?! Science Lab offers numerous hands-on opportunities on the topic of “Forests”. In our newly designed part, you can examine plants, fungi and lichens and learn about the outstanding importance of the forest as an ecosystem at numerous events

Those who want to work on a specific topic (weighing dinos, counting annual rings or perhaps you like to examine shark teeth?) can grab “research boxes” and approach natural history phenomena step by step and develop their own research questions. Painting and drawing utensils also enable an artistic exploration of natural history topics. 

Another special of the exhibition: experience science first hand. How? For example, by working on Citizen Science Projects in the Aha?! Science Lab. Here you can evaluate camera trap images from Martin Jansen’s WildLIVE! project or sort mollusc sands for our malacology section. In addition, Science Live events take place regularly. Here our scientists visit us in the exhibition, give exciting insights into their work and are happy to answer all your questions. You want to know when the next Science Live event will take place? You can find our calendar here. 

Got curious?  Then come and visit us – we look forward to meeting you and to your questions! 


We would like to thank the foundation alliance for the Aha?! Science Lab, who support the operation and further development of the Aha?! Science Lab.
We would like to thank our supporters who make numerous events at the Aha?! Science Lab possible.
Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft