Project goals
Using various formats, the project supports the societal transformation toward a bio-based economy that is intended to ensure greater sustainability in the future. Public opinions are gathered and incorporated in the process.
For example, future visions regarding the bioeconomy were developed in a participative scenario process, together with representatives from the economy, science, and society. These future scenarios form the project’s basis.
These approaches will be taken up and developed further by visitors in the Senckenberg Natural History Museum. The special exhibition offers a forum to express opinions, start discussions, and exchange points of view.
The participative exhibition area also incorporates the results from various workshops and seminars with students. In BioKompass Weeks, Talent Schools, and seminar courses, the students intensively engage with the topic and process it in digital, analog, or interactive ways. A jointly developed Augmented Reality app will accompany the exhibition.
The goal is to use the different, specific formats to provide information about the bioeconomy, further an exchange, and support the forming of opinions. The individual formats are being evaluated and checked in regard to their transferability to other issues.
The article in Senckenberg’s science magazine “Natur • Forschung • Museum” (Nature • Research • Museum; Issue 1-3 2018; page 31-33) (in German) offers an insight into the project’s main ideas.