Special exhibition
Meet the Reef!
Research Perspective
2. February until 11. July 2024
Immerse yourself, observe, evaluate: the exhibition project “Meet the Reef!” is entering its third round and takes a closer look at the research applied to understandand preserve coral reefs. From desk to research aquarium to a dive off the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, many different experts, including scientists from the Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT, Bremen), provide an insight into their day-to-day work.
What do we know about the state of coral reefs worldwide, and how can we protect them? Following the formats focused on “Society” and “Art”, “Research Perspective” is the third and final format in the series. Educational programs and visitor research round off the project. “Meet the Reef!” is part of the “Temporary Permanence” project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for updating permanentexhibitions.